Earn your Trident every day…

About the two Navy SEAL’s killed in Libya:

Quite an astounding tribute to the courage and bravery of the two former Navy SEAL’s that went to the aid of Ambassador Stevens and Embassy staff. Courageous!

Recently I was teaching a class in my church on the biblical character, Joshua. You remember him – he’s the one who took over for Moses to lead the Israelites into the Promised Land. God made several promises to Joshua in the opening verses of this book of the Bible named after him. Three times God instructs Joshua to “be strong and courageous.” In fact, one of those times God instructed him to be “very courageous.” The road ahead was a tough one and Joshua would need to be up to the task.

The news has been full of the attacks on our embassies throughout the Muslim world, and in particular, the deaths of Ambassador Chris Stevens and three others in Benghazi , Libya . However, apart from the shameful amount of disinformation willingly distributed by the Main Stream Media and the current administration, there’s a little known story of incredible bravery, heroics, and courage that should be the top story of every news agency across the fruited plain.

So what actually happened at the U.S. embassy in Libya ? We are learning more about this every day. Ambassador Stevens and Foreign Service officer Sean Smith, along with administrative staff, were working out of temporary quarters due to the fact that in the spring of 2011 during the so-called Arab Spring, the United States cut ties with then president Moammar Gadhafi. Our embassy was looted and ransacked, causing it to be unusable. It is still in a state of disrepair. Security for embassies and their personnel is to be provided by the host nation. Since Libya has gone through a civil war of sorts in the past 18 months, the current government is very unstable, and therefore, unreliable

A well-organized attack by radical Muslims was planned specifically targeting the temporary U.S. embassy building. The Libyan security force that was in place to protect our people deserted their post, or joined the attacking force. Either way, our people were in a real fix. And it should be noted that Ambassador Stevens had mentioned on more than one occasion to Secretary of State, “Hillary Clinton”, that he was quite concerned for his personal safety and the welfare of his people. It is thought that Ambassador Stevens was on a “hit list.”

A short distance from the American compound, two Americans were sleeping. They were in Libya as independent contractors working an assignment totally unrelated to our embassy. They also happened to be former Navy SEALs. When they heard the noise coming from the attack on our embassy, as you would expect from highly trained warriors, they ran to the fight. Apparently, they had no weapons, but seeing the Libyan guards dropping their guns in their haste in fleeing the scene, Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty snatched up several of these discarded weapons and prepared to defend the American compound.

Not knowing exactly what was taking place, the two SEALs set up a defensive perimeter. Unfortunately Ambassador Stevens was already gravely injured, and Foreign Service officer, Sean Smith, was dead. However, due to their quick action and suppressive fire, twenty administrative personnel in the embassy were able to escape to safety. Eventually, these two courageous men were overwhelmed by the sheer numbers brought against them, an enemy force numbering between 100 to 200 attackers which came in two waves. But the stunning part of the story is that Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty killed 60 of the attacking force. Once the compound was overrun, the attackers were incensed to discover that just two men had inflicted so much death and destruction.

As it became apparent to these selfless heroes, they were definitely going to lose their lives unless some reinforcements showed up in a hurry. As we know now, that was not to be. I’m fairly certain they knew they were going to die in this gun fight, but not before they took a whole lot of bad guys with them!

Consider these tenets of the Navy SEAL Code: 1) Loyalty to Country, Team and Teammate, 2) Serve with Honor and Integrity On and Off the Battlefield, 3) Ready to Lead, Ready to Follow, Never Quit, 4) Take responsibility for your actions and the actions of your teammates, 5) Excel as Warriors through Discipline and Innovation, 6) Train for War, Fight to Win, Defeat our Nation’s Enemies, and 7) Earn your Trident every day ( http://www.navyseals.com/seal-code-warrior-creed).

Thank you, Tyrone and Glen. To the very last breath, you both lived up to the SEAL Code. You served all of us well. You were courageous in the face of certain death.

And Tyrone, even though you never got to hold your newborn son, he will grow up knowing the character and quality of his father, a man among men who sacrificed himself defending others. God bless America !

Dr. Charles R. Roots Senior Pastor Former Staff Sergeant, USMC Captain, U. S. Navy Chaplain Corps (Ret)

This should be passed on and on and on.

165 Responses to “Earn your Trident every day…”

  1. Malcolm Pollack Says:

    Thanks for posting this, from another CC conservative… may a small measure of justice be done for these two heroes at the polls in 11 days.

    • aardvarkomega Says:

      given the choice…
      I’d rather that these men of honor lived, even if it meant obama was reelected.

      It is sad that we see them for what they were, only in their passing, but I have faith in those with the same warrior heart, who remain among the living.

      I am hopeful for a president who does believe in the creedo-‘no man left behind’. Hopefully, those who are waivering in their suppport of obama, will take note.

      The people who can still support him, after seeing this, no longer care about honor .

  2. Susan Says:

    Thank you for this post. When I think of those brave men and the cowards who refused them help, I’m just furious.

  3. Julie Dinkins-Borkowski Says:

    Instead of Remember the Alamo. When you vote #remeberBenghazi

  4. Earn your Trident every day… « ScottOnCapeCod’s Weblog « The Piratearian Says:

    […] via Earn your Trident every day… « ScottOnCapeCod’s Weblog. […]

  5. Mark Anthony Richardson Says:

    thank you for telling me this the news media does a disservice to our country not to report this I really have chill bumps and wish they had killedv them all.

  6. mklemon Says:

    I just found your blog from Twitter. Great articles. I’m so disgusted with our corrupt administration I can’t wait to get rid of these people. Just hope
    the election is not close since we know there will be voter fraud.

  7. Suni Perkins (@SuniPerkins) Says:

    Pastor Roots, Amen and well said!! God save America!!

  8. Mai-Li Dong Says:

    As you serve God you serve this nation with your blog. I pray that these brave men will be immortalized thru their communities and throughout this nation and inspire all of us to act in honor.

  9. The Heroics of the Navy Seals in Libya « The Whispering Crane Institute Says:

    […] is a link to the heroic action taken by the two former Navy Seals Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty in Benghazi […]


    This is your own Future if you don’t care about what UN, EU, US, NATO are doing with the #HumanRights https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=Fd7eUv7Ofdk #Ethics #Mankind

    This is the what is happing now in Bani Walid … UN and Obama are calling this Alqaeda Killers HEROS.


  11. Aaaaaa, It’s the Weekend | Palin4America Says:

    […] against 200 and 60 are left […]

  12. Jim Greene Says:

    Thanks for posting this. RIP fellow bros.

  13. jokerizedpaul Says:

    Reblogged this on Opinion Renegada and commented:
    It doesn’t matter which is your ideology, you have to recognize courage, bravery and selflessness and salute them when you find them!

  14. Douglas Ernst Says:

    Reblogged this on Douglas Ernst.

  15. Roderic Deane Says:

    Excellent post! May I have your permission to re-post in on my blog at rodericdeane.com?

  16. Steve Moroz Says:

    I say these two belong in Arlington, while the cowards who refused to send in any help belong in Ft. Leavenworth. I don’t enough about medals to know which ones they qualify for, but the Silver Star, the Congressional Medal of Honor, etc.. come to mind.

  17. Mark Devlin Says:

    This story is being widely repeated through twitter. Do you ahve a source for the claim that the navy seals killed 60 jihadis? If so I would like to ads it to WeCheck’s authoritative Benghazi Attack Timeline: http://wecheck.org/wiki/Benghazi_Attack_Timeline

  18. Patrick Hooper Says:

    That men like this exist in today’s America is by no small measure a miracle. The courage and self-sacrifice of these great men exposes the pettiness of my daily grievances to shameful degrees. They are better then me and I thank God for them.

  19. pithyawards Says:

    Thank you for sharing the lesson from the Old Testament about courage.
    I think about the similarity of the courage of Americans Davy Crockett and Jim Bowie and all the courageous men at the Alamo battling until their deaths and how the battle cry of Remember the Alamo served as a long lasting reminder of their gallantry and selfless sacrifice.
    The 4 men whose lives were taken in Benghazi are destined to be remembered forever in America’s history.

    • scottoncapecod Says:

      We stand in the noble stream on the shoulders of great men… I only posted the letter. It’s author should be honored.

      • pithyawards Says:

        Thank you for pointing in such a fine way that the letter you’ve posted is the original work of Pastor Roots. It is remarkable in every way.

  20. Dexter Americus Says:

    Reblogged this on DEXTER AMERICUS.

  21. Sals Tress Says:

    Interesting story. Not sure how you have such information, but I know more clarity will come out in the days, months and years ahead. What you didn’t mention is how the 20 administrative embassy personnel who were saved escaped the annex if indeed the only people protecting them were the 2 SEALS. Was there a delta force from Tripoli that arrived before the complex was overrun?

  22. lovegodlovehistory Says:

    Navy Seals are very special warriors. So are US Marines, although they have been overshadowed purposely by US Navy, and Seals have been given missions that traditionally would have gone to Marines. This is politics, as well as inter-service rivalry. Either way, while the Seals try to establish a tradition, & the Marine Corps has a long standing one of valor & courage, both are in the hearts and minds of their countrymen. I wish we had more of them. God Bless our military – those who man the walls 24/7/365

    • Walt Welton Says:

      If you are going to blog, please do it on a subject in which you have some knowledge. The above comment is simply stupid! The Navy is not ‘jealous’ and missions that have been given to the SEALS are not ones that would traditionally gone to the Marines. The training of each group is totally different, as is their mission – Marines are traditionally amphibious, while SEALS are Special Operations (black ops). It is not politics, nor inter-service rivalry, it is merely the who is better qualified to do the job.

      SEALS are not trying ‘to establish a tradition, they have had one for quite some time – I knew many during ’67-’68 in Vietnam.

      Retired Chief Petty Officer

    • Rustytruck Says:

      You know ity’s kind of disappointing to hear all credits going out to the Marines and Navy Seals only. There are a lot more of our Military forces doing the same job but nobody talks about the Army and Air Force contributions to these efforts. We all put our butt on the line for America and yet you all are only concerned with what the Marines and Seals do. Everybody else goes unmentioned, kind of sad actually.

  23. dmalcolmcarson Says:

    One edit: I believe that the two Navy Seals actually made it back to the safe house with Sean Smith’s body. They were unable to locate Stevens. Back at the not so safe not so secret safe house, they then came under attack again, and again put up a valiant fight. That’s where they lost their loves, nearly eight hours after the beginning of the attack, when help was an hour away. Their heroism is matched only by the cowardice of those who refused to send help.

  24. Earn your Trident every day… | Roderic Deane Says:

    […] This is an excellent post and I reprint it here by express permission of ScottOnCapeCod’s Weblog. […]

  25. Douglas Ernst Says:

    Great, great post. Thank you.

  26. Instapundit » Blog Archive » #BENGHAZI: “The stunning part of the story is that Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty killed 60 of the a… Says:

    […] “The stunning part of the story is that Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty killed 60 of the attacki… Just think how much could have been accomplished if they’d had the support of their […]

  27. Tom Harley Says:

    Reblogged this on pindanpost.

  28. BettyR Says:

    A beautiful tribute to these two former Seals……but some of the info is incorrect. Ty Woods was one of the Seals on location at the Annex. Glen Doherty was the other former Seal who came over with a force from the Embassy in Tripoli. There is so much coverage of this, that I am surprised that there are still questions regarding some of the facts. The Congressional hearing with reps from the State Department; the Fox News Network which has broadcast an outstanding video on the attack…an updated one came out today, but the first one is much more detailed…..if folks are waiting for the Main Stream Media to inform them, all is lost.

    • Casey Tompkins Says:

      Glen Doherty was the other former Seal who came over with a force from the Embassy in Tripoli.

      A fact which I’ve seen reported elsewhere, and one of several reasons I find the original letter questionable.

      Anyone remember Jessica Lynch, and Pat Tillman? The fog of war can create distorted stories which take a while to sort out.

  29. Never Yet Melted » An American Thermopylae Says:

    […] Scott published some amazing details of the heroism of the two former Navy SEALs at Benghazi. […]

  30. Doug Miles Says:

    These fine gentlemen and patriots are the personification of freedom in action and American exceptionalism of a sort few if any other nations can ever boast about or attain to. God bless them both for their incredible sacrifices. These are the men and millions like them in our history to whom we really owe an unpayable debt of gratitude for our very comforts, liberty and blessings of life in the USA.

  31. John C. Randolph Says:

    These men, and everyone else in the US armed forces, deserve a commander-in-chief who doesn’t consider them expendable for political convenience. That’s a big part of why I will never support a Ruling Party douchebag like Obama or Romney again.

  32. Mark Richardson Says:

    2 of ours got 60 of theirs.
    Just imagine if they had some help.

  33. fustian Says:

    Imagine the obscenity when the same Obama people that refused help insist on public awards for bravery here.

    It makes the skin crawl.

  34. About the two Navy Seals killed in Libya: « THE BLACK KETTLE Says:

    […] Not knowing exactly what was taking place, the two SEALs set up a defensive perimeter. Unfortunately Ambassador Stevens was already gravely injured, and Foreign Service officer, Sean Smith, was dead. However, due to their quick action and suppressive fire, twenty administrative personnel in the embassy were able to escape to safety. Eventually, these two courageous men were overwhelmed by the sheer numbers brought against them, an enemy force numbering between 100 to 200 attackers which came in two waves. But the stunning part of the story is that Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty killed 60 of the attacking force. Once the compound was overrun, the attackers were incensed to discover that just two men had inflict… […]

  35. FastTalker Says:

    Thank you so very much for your post. Courage seems to be a lost quality among so many people these days. What an honor to read of these two men of courage. Truly remarkable men. Their families can know what exemplary men they were.

    Now, can some members of our government show some courage and honor the truth and these men by revealing what they know about the unfolding events of the night of 9-11 at the White House, DOD, and the CIA?

    God is watching.

  36. Lou Ann Watson Says:

    our brave young warriors are the finest in the world, but cannot succeed with cowards at the helm. i lost a cousin in nam because of political weakness, i do not wish to revisit those times again. vote these murderers out of office and then lock them in a cell with a wet floor and no bed for the rest of their days.

  37. Jackie Wellfonder - Raging Against the Rhetoric – Fading Hope, Time For Change Says:

    […] (ScottOnCapeCod) A short distance from the American compound, two Americans were sleeping. They were in Libya as independent contractors working an assignment totally unrelated to our embassy. They also happened to be former Navy SEALs. When they heard the noise coming from the attack on our embassy, as you would expect from highly trained warriors, they ran to the fight. Apparently, they had no weapons, but seeing the Libyan guards dropping their guns in their haste in fleeing the scene, Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty snatched up several of these discarded weapons and prepared to defend the American compound. […]

  38. Ollie Says:

    I really appreciate the loss and sacrifice of these men in the face of no support from their commander-in-chief. Please read the following with regard to their final request for air support. Support which was onsite included an AC-130U Spectre gunship and as many as two UAVs. They were told to stand down. The safe house security officer had used a laser-designator to target the mortar site firing at the safe house. An AC-130U that sees the laser designator will have immediate lock on to the “painted” target … the enemy mortar shells are believed to be what killed the pair.

    See: instapundit.com #BENGHAZI: “The stunning part of the story is that Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty killed 60 of the attacking force. Once the compound was overrun, the attackers were incensed to discover that just two men had inflicted so much death and destruction.” Just think how much could have been accomplished if they’d had the support of their Commander-in-Chief.


    See: instapundit.com SAY NO: Will Obama’s Benghazi Cover-up Succeed?

    It might be time for folk to call or write their local news outlets with questions about “what happened in Benghazi September 11?” and “why aren’t you more fully reporting the September 11 events in Benghazi?” — that way we can help ensure the cover-up does not succeed.

    Remember, no one died in Watergate.

    and See instapundit.com

    #STANDDOWN: U.S. Had Two Drones, AC-130 Gunship, and Targets Painted in #Benghazi.

    RELATED: “Yesterday the CIA said they didn’t say no to a rescue mission for Ambassador Stevens and other Americans under attack. Today the White House said it wasn’t Obama. Hey DoD…the music is slowing down and you don’t have a chair.”

  39. John Says:

    While this tribute is heartfelt, the two mentioned were not in the fight alone. Woods was accompanied by two others in the rescue trips to the consulate. Doherty arrived later from Tripoli along with seven other US personnel and 16 Libyans. This doesn’t diminish what they did but there were others acting alongside them with the same purpose.

  40. njoriolenjoriole Says:

    “Where do we get such men” indeed. Knowing America spawns heroes such as these gives me faith and hope.

  41. Didn’t get the “Stand Down” Order « Jay Currie Says:

    […] attackers were incensed to discover that just two men had inflicted so much death and destruction. scott on cap cod via the […]

  42. anon Says:

    Is FOX news reporting this wrong? They are reporting that Glen Doherty was sent in from Tripoli.

    Tyrone Woods was later joined at the scene by fellow former Navy SEAL Glen Doherty, who was sent in from Tripoli as part of a Global Response Staff or GRS that provides security to CIA case officers and provides countersurveillance and surveillance protection.

    Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2012/10/26/cia-operators-were-denied-request-for-help-during-benghazi-attack-sources-say/#ixzz2AYyzaDzh

  43. anon Says:

    Also Tyrone Woods and others had already evaded the Benghazi consulate to the annex by the time Doherty got there if I am reading the FOX news report correctly, and if FOX news is reporting it correctly.

  44. anon Says:

    edit:evaded should read EVACed

  45. GraceD Says:

    Please, it is Navy SEALs, not Seals. They are not fish (or sea mammals). SEaAirLand.

  46. Joe Kidd Says:

    I’m posting this photo here because its comments section has become a repository of related links.

  47. Joe Kidd Says:

    “It is easy to write a book about being a Navy SEAL, but it is very hard to write an obituary for one.”
    “To all the Operators here today I give you this charge: Rid the world of those savages. I’ll say it again, RID THE WORLD OF THOSE SAVAGES!”

  48. Iggy Says:

    Sorry – as much as I want to believe this, the story looks and feels like a sham – I won’t believe it until I know more about Dr. Charles R. Roots Senior Pastor Former Staff Sergeant, USMC Captain, U. S. Navy Chaplain Corps (Ret).

  49. David Says:

    Sorry, but this account is not correct. It was first posted on October 3 and Fox has developed considerable well sourced information that is not consistent with this story. The pastor who made the original post must have sincerely believed the account, but with all the digging that Fox has done, this would have come out if true. It’s just too sensational not to.

  50. GraceD Says:

    Oh, I see you changed it. But I don’t want to detract from your great article! These men are true American heroes and I am indebted to them for their moral integrity and their service. Thank you so much for telling their stories. No one else whom I have read has mentioned the *extent* of their courageous action. Thanks again!

  51. BettyR Says:

    One of the reports filed by Jennifer Griffin of Fox News is here, with video…http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2012/10/26/cia-operators-were-denied-request-for-help-during-benghazi-attack-sources-say/

    It explains in good detail the events of the night. In this report, she says that Doherty came over with a group from Tripoli. One of her earlier reports said that Ty Woods and Glen Doherty were both in the Annex when the Consulate was attacked.

    If you can find the Fox News Special report that gave an even more detailed description of the events, it will give you an even better understanding of the event.

  52. David Says:

    Are you unwilling to allow comments that disagree with your position? Why are you holding my comment?

  53. Michael South Says:

    He picked up a borrowed weapon, killed 60 people with it? We need to check these things before we repeat him. There is no doubt he was a hero–exaggerations and rumors do not serve his memory. Find out the truth, as near as you can, and report that. The truth is enough.

    If I’m wrong, I apologize, but where is this account coming from?

    • scottoncapecod Says:

      Ask the author, his name is at the end of the letter

      • Michael South Says:

        Thanks for pointing that out, I’ll give it a shot and see if I can get in contact with him.

      • Michael South Says:

        Just an update to let you know that I contacted Dr. Roots, and he respectfully replied that he could not divulge sources.

        Without knowing who told him, we have a chain of unknowns–is he reporting accurately what was told him? Is the person that talked to him someone actually in a position to know? Etc.

        Having said all of that, when I replied to him I did mention that he should probably not contact his sources any further. I wouldn’t put anything past this administration, and they could have someone right now saying “Who the hell is Charles Roots and why does he know this?”, tapping phones, etc. The administration clearly wants this story to die, so I don’t think you can be too careful about not putting the people that have shared the information in harm’s way.

        It’s too bad that what you have to fear it the people that were supposed to be looking out for you in the first place. I really hope we achieve a change in command on Nov 6th.

        If you’re angry about this like I am, contribute to the campaigns in the swing states, help get out the vote, etc. Turn our anger into a landslide kicking this so-called commander-in-chief to the curb.

    • Belasarius Says:

      Forget about the administration. WE want to know, “Who the hell is Charles Roots and why does he know this?” Its not his sources I want to verify. Its him! He’s the one who put this information out there.

  54. koblog Says:

    Leon Panetta (one sorry excuse of a SecDef) and everyone up and down the chain of command — from the punk sitting in the Oval Office, through the Joint Chiefs, SecState and the CIA — should resign in disgrace. This just gets more awful by the day.

    “…less than optimal bumps in the road” describes the lot of them.

  55. deadrody Says:

    I have no doubt that these two men took out 60 jihadis. But as far as I know, that would have happened defending the CIA annex, not the main consulate. That’s where Doherty and Woods ultimately lost their lives, on the roof of the annex in a mortar attack.

    Just wanted to clarify so that their bravery and heroism isn’t questioned because some minor details of the story get confused.

  56. Decision Making Mindset - US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum Says:

    […] […]

  57. gnstr Says:

    What are the real reasons why western countries went into Libya? Are those reasons worth loss of life? Think about these two statements carefully, and imagine you, your sons or daughters were on the ground, facing the threat associated with war /revolution. Keep the answers in your heart.

  58. Tina M. Thompson Bevington Says:

    This is truly an inspirational story. This and other stories like this are getting the truth out, since the mainstream media has abandoned all sense of responsibility to the People Of The U.S. who deserve to know what is REALLY happening in OUR Country… God be with the people and guide them to vote in a NEW leader for the U.S.A…

  59. Breakfast Links | Points and Figures Says:

    […] The Navy Seals that defied orders three times, were trying to use lasers to point out where air support (that never came because Obama refused to order it) should fire, killed 60 before being over run. […]

  60. 2 Former Seals Take out 60 enemies at Benghazi, Imagine if they'd had support Says:

    […] […]

  61. Art Says:

    200 against 2? Sounds like they ran out of ammo. A little effort to supply these two might have saved them. Looks to me like a fair fight up to that point.

  62. Navy Seals « The Danza Tap Says:

    […] Longer form here: Earn your Trident every day… About the two Navy SEAL’s killed in Libya […]

  63. Susan Says:

    Thank you so much for the beautiful tribute to these heroic men…it brought tears to my eyes.
    Blessings to you,

  64. Weakness and Cowardice Places US In Danger | Grassroots Contemplations Says:

    […] courage and actions taken that day when they saved many lives. Here is a short excerpt from “Earn Your Trident Every Day“ “Not knowing exactly what was taking place, the two SEALs’ set up a defensive […]

  65. Benghazi « North Texas Tea Party Says:

    […] Heroic stand of Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty killed up to 60 of the enemy […]

  66. TeachX3 Says:

    Reblogged this on ℝ@ᾔ∂øм ℝαღßℓḯη❡s and commented:
    In Remembrance of true HEROES, regardless of our cowardly government.

  67. Tim Butler Says:

    I served as a helicopter pilot in Vietnam and Cambodia and I know what night attacks are about. How can our military be confident with a CIC like we have now? It’s a nightmare for every Patriot. It’s like sending our best to the slaughter house. No excuses. He has to be held responsible.

  68. woodsterman Says:

    Passing it on because it needs to be.

  69. Trevor Loudon's New Zeal Blog Says:

    […] From Earn Your Trident Every Day: […]

  70. Presidential Depraved Indifference Says:

    […] From Earn Your Trident Every Day: […]

  71. Andrew Says:

    ..the man who penned “Obama, One Big-Assed Mistake America” ars ago yeshould be awarded a Nobel Prize for honest reporting..

  72. Tammy williamson Says:

    This story should make all Americans go to the poles November 6 and vote our current president OUT!!!

  73. Medal of Honor for Navy SEALs Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty | Says:

    […] the latter, after all, they were not in uniform when they carried out their heroism. Not that the sixty (60) jihadis they waxed knew the […]

  74. Last Stand at Benghazi: "First, Aid the Living." - Gun Hub Says:

    […] That is a bit of a coincidence, isn't it… Of interest. […]

  75. Ray Says:

    Rest Well My Brothers, Faithful to the End.

  76. Buzz Says:

    These guys were heroes, but this account is not plausible. It would take many hundreds of rounds of ammunition to score casualty rates like this, and I doubt your average diplomatic outpost carries that kind of firepower.

    Unless you give a solid link to a source that can be fact-checked, I’m afraid this needs to be put in the baloney file, which is a shame, as those brave men in Benghazi deserve better.

    • scottoncapecod Says:

      I only posted what was sent with the attribute at the bottom of the post… heroes no doubt…

    • Michael South Says:

      Buzz, I did some digging and think I found a way to contact the original author. I sent him an email with a link to the factcheck wiki and with three questions:

      How did they kill 60 people with weapons they picked up from deserting guards?

      Who counted these bodies?

      How does the person who counted the bodies know who killed them?

      The author claims to be a retired Navy chaplain, he might be getting things through the grapevine that were perhaps embellished along the way or whatever. It would be nice for him to give us some more information.

      I agree 100% that it does not honor their memory to repeat false stories, because it’s going to deflate their reputation when the truth comes out. It would be awesome if it were true and great to publicize, but right now I’m really worried about being burned if I do.

      • Belasarius Says:

        This thing is still going strong out there with no further details. Its suprising that nobody has posted any additional information about Dr. Charles R. Roots Senior Pastor Former Staff Sergeant, USMC Captain, U. S. Navy Chaplain Corps (Ret), A guy who has this much authoritative biographical information must be legit right? Other than the subject of my speculation Google knows him not.

      • pithyawards Says:

        I found the email last Friday and received a thoughtful and sincere response indicating the media was trying to validate the information he had received from and passed along in his letter. I trust him. As to the body count, you have to know that these former Navy SEALS ranked as two of the best warriors with skills and training that most cannot imagine. Rumor is that they ran out of ammo at the end while waiting for the AC-130 to provide the specific support they had requested to take out the mortar location. They may have disobeyed an illegal order, and that is what good soldiers sometimes must do.

      • Mark Devlin Says:

        It doesn’t matter whether you trust Dr Roots or not. He is not a journalist, his claim has no corroboration, and frankly, the details are difficult to believe. I have opened up a discussion on the Fact Check’s talk page if you would like to discuss whther it is even possible to kill 60 jihads with no air support: http://wecheck.org/wiki/Talk:Did_the_Navy_Seals_who_died_in_the_Benghazi_attacks_kill_60_jihadis

      • pithyawards Says:

        Hey Mark. First, our dead heroes were both former Navy SEALs not Marines as you have posted on the Fact Check website. Ty Woods was found slumped over his machine gun after painting a mortar location that needed to be taken out by laser-guided air to ground weapons systems which apparently he believed were overhead – possibly he saw a drone and made the fatal error of trusting that it had come to provide aerial support.

  77. Mark Webster Says:

    One of the first actions expected of President Romney should be the awarding of the Medal of Honor to both men.

  78. ajackattack@gmail.com Says:

    Because fo the lack of real coverage by the Media, folks here is what we have to do. All of these companies are publicly traded and responsible to their shareholders. We need to start a campaign to hold them accountable for their inaction and bias. Below is a list and symbol of each which can be looked up and directors and officers numbers and emails available on sites like hoovers, etc. We need to tell them that we will hit them in their pocketbook!!

    ABC- owned by Disney (DIS)
    NBC- owned by General Electric (GE)
    CBS- owned by CBS corp (CBS)
    CNN- owned by Time Warner (TWX)

    USA Today-owned by Gannett (GCI)
    Wall Street Jnl-owned by ironically by same company as FOX -News corp but funny how one will report and the other won’t

    Voice your displeasure and get the News out

  79. Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty: An Eulogy - BitsBlog Says:

    […] By Dr. Charles R. Roots Senior Pastor Former Staff Sergeant, USMC Captain, U. S. Navy Chaplain Corps (Ret), via SocttonCapeCod’sWebBlog. […]

  80. “Earn Your Trident Every Day” — Monomakhos Says:

    […] Source: ScottOnCapeCod’s Weblog […]

  81. Jami Mack Says:

    Thank you for posting…I’ve posted to Facebook as well…It was nice to hear some further details since we haven’t heard anything from our “commander in chief”. Thank you and Semper Fi…Marine Mom.

  82. Belasarius Says:

    I’m not finding this plausible either. How does the writer know this? The two men were killed back at the annex by a mortar 7 hours later. And, it takes a considerable amount of effort to kill 60 men on the ground with a machine gun. Its difficult to get them to stand up and walk into it. These guys are Libyan irregulars, not Japanese Imperial Marines cornered on an island. I’m calling shenanigans. Keep in mind that spreading things that are not authoritatively sourced detracts from the effort to get the truth out. Wanting it to be true is not the same as it being true. Sorry.

    • scottoncapecod Says:

      I posted this with the signature block at the bottom. I and several others have posted this but I understand your concerns… we need FACTS from those in charge to clarify. We know they acted bravely and we know they are dead… and they were not given assistance when they asked for it.

      • Belasarius Says:

        I am quite concerned. Instapundit reposted and so did Ann Althouse. I don’t see anything except unconditional acceptance of this story. Do you remember Jessica Lynch? Here’s what they said about her when absolutely nothing was known about the circumstances of her capture, ” suffering knife and bullet wounds while fighting off attackers until running out of ammunition.” I am getting a bad case of deja vu. If this is wrong it will be used to discredit the motives of those who want an accounting of this event.

  83. Wayne Says:

    I believe There’s much more to this story, specifically why assistance wasn’t rendered and why these heroes were told to stand down. The U.S. couldnt show its hand! When finally known it will also explain why Romney didn’t push the issue during the final debate.

    • Michael South Says:

      I think Romney didn’t push it because he didn’t want to look argumentative and petty. His goal was to look “presidential”, and to defuse the attempt he was expecting from the other side to paint him (Romney) as a scary extremist. Romney believes this election is about the economy (_particularly for independents_, you must keep that in mind), he was up in the polls and had momentum, so he felt like all he had to do was “provide no ammunition for demagoguery”, and they wouldn’t be able to use the debate against him.

      Nailing him to the wall on Benghazi would be risky, too, because no one knew what the exact deal was, and for all he knew Obama would be able to come out the very next day with a press conference saying “We had to provide cover for a few days to make the CIA operation safe. We had to push the other story, it was my decision, and I take responsibility.” After which they would rail on Romney all the way up to the election about how he was commenting on things he really knew nothing about.

      Having said that, I have no idea, but I hope we do find out some day what really happened.

  84. Saving the Republic; Why Barack Obama Must Be Defeated: Reason 40 (Through 50) « Stately McDaniel Manor Says:

    […] least one account suggests that Doherty and Woods killed at least 60 attackers before a mortar round killed them.  We don’t have confirmation of this fact, or of the total […]

  85. Trenton Phoenix Says:

    Semper FI! That story IS worth spreading around the world!

  86. Congress should award the Medal of Honor to Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods « EL TERCER RIEL Says:

    […] From Scott On Cape Cod: […]

  87. The Alamo at San Antonio de Benghazi » Da Tech Guy's Blog Says:

    […] So like the Alamo they fought and like the Alamo they died and also like the Alamo they took a lot of their enemies with them: […]

  88. Jerry Sarkovics Says:

    God Bless these two Navy Seals for their
    Dedication to their code of conduct. They
    gave their all for what they believed in.
    The country owes them and all Special Operation warriors a debt of gratitude
    for the price they pay for freedom.
    Semper Fidelis

  89. Obama Gets Americans Killed to Kill the Constitution | Egypt Says:

    […] tragedy of brave heroes like Tyrone Woods, Glenn Doherty, Brian Terry, and Jaime Zapata is that they were doomed to serve […]

  90. The Elephant in the Room « The Central Standard Times Says:

    […] orders to rush to the aid of the ambassador and his staff, and how they fought bravely and with remarkable ferocity while waiting for the help was that denied somewhere along the chain of the command before finally […]

  91. Remember the Alamo « Red Among Blue Says:

    […] So like the Alamo they fought and like the Alamo they died and also like the Alamo they took a lot of their enemies with them: […]


    […] tragedy of brave heroes like Tyrone Woods, Glenn Doherty, Brian Terry, and Jaime Zapata is that they were doomed to serve […]

  93. DaTechGuy Says:

    I’ve had a few people in comments on my site ask about the number of enemy casualties figure, if you can forward me any sourcing on this info I would highly appreciate it

    • Mark Devlin Says:

      There is no credible source for the casualty numbers, just one guy who seems to have made it up on his blog. The story is UNVERIFIED & FALSE until further information comes out. Check WeCheck’s fact check for more info.

      • pithyawards Says:

        Oh ye of little faith.

      • Mark Devlin Says:

        I’ll take that as a compliment.

      • Michael South Says:

        One guy who is a retired Navy Chaplain and former USMC Staff Sergeant…did you fact check that? Find out if he’s lying about his credentials first, get back to us. If he’s lying about that, don’t believe him about anything else. If he’s telling the truth about that, it’s still unverified but you do have someone with a history in the military that would look very, very bad to all his former colleagues if it turns out he was making stuff up.

        Still doesn’t tell us who the source was, they may have been lying. That leaves us wondering if he has the judgment to tell whether his source was credible.

        A fruitful line of investigation might be to find people who have an idea of what kind of armaments might have been available–was there enough ammunition/firepower that 60 kills is likely? Is there someone that would be able to see enough (e.g. via the drone? or on the ground in the aftermath?) who could tell what the body count was on the attacker side?

        There’s a lot you could be doing besides screaming that it’s false and promoting that website.

      • Mark Devlin Says:

        First of all I am not screaming anything. I have prepared a dispassionate report of the veracity of the claim that you are welcome to add to if you find more information.

        It doesn’t matter if the person who made the claim is a retired Marine – his claim is not verified by any other media. Don’t you think that if they had actually killed 60 jihadis that someone else with a bit more clout would also have made the claim?

        He may have made it up, he may have heard a rumor, he may have heard it directly from the President, but unless other, more credible media or individuals repeat the claim it stands unverified.

        Apart from the source’s credibility, there are many other issues with the claim that you yourself have noticed. How exactly would two men have been able to kill 60 jihadis in the dark with just machine guns at a distance with apparently limited ammunition.

        However, any discussion of firepower and abilities is simply speculation without either more credible sources or more facts to back up the story.

  94. Alex Murashko (@AlexMurashko) Says:

    I need to connect with you alex.murashko (@) christianpost.com. You don’t need to publish this comment. Thanks!

  95. Tania Says:

    To question , the heroic actions of
    these men, is a crime in itself ! They will always be hero’s in my heart! It takes special people to act against orders ,when they know that the orders being given are so Wrong! That’s what makes them TRUE hero’s. We are blessed to have had these men in our world.

  96. Mission Accomplished: Obama Gets Americans Killed to Kill the Constitution « A Lot Of Coffee and Sleepless Nights Says:

    […] tragedy of brave heroes like Tyrone Woods, Glenn Doherty, Brian Terry, and Jaime Zapata is that they were doomed to serve […]

  97. Scapegoating Free Speech To Hide Massive Government Failures? Says:

    […] “The stunning part of the story is that Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty killed 60 of the attacking f… […]

  98. The Heroic Movie Hollywood Should Make … But Won’t | News Says:

    […] If this account is accurate, it has all the makings of an action picture like the ones we used to enjoy, movies about honest to god superheroes who don’t wear tights or use magic to take out the bad guys. This is the real thing, the kind of stuff legends are made of. […]

  99. Tribute to Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty. - VolNation Says:

    […] […]

  100. The Heroic Movie Hollywood Should Make...But Won't - Thoughtful Women Says:

    […] If this account is accurate, it has all the makings of an action picture like the ones we used to enjoy, movies about honest to god superheroes who don’t wear tights or use magic to take out the bad guys. This is the real thing, the kind of stuff legends are made of. […]

  101. thomas conran Says:

    It’s time we get rid of obama and the clintons they don’t stand up for America. We need to save our constitution. honor our heros go public with this story now.

  102. Benghazi Keeps Getting Worse | Constant Conservative Says:

    […] For a perspective of the same event where we see the truly heroic choices made by two men who didn’t have to be there, please check this out. […]

  103. Dara Vogt Says:

    The character & integrity shown by these two former Navy seals is lacking in our current administration. I am proud to know that these two men still honored their oath they took to serve the United States of America. Integrity and honor are characteristics which we should all live by. Especially those who serve us politically, they should be so honorable. God bless the two men & their families as they mourn the loss. Thank you for your service and courage.

  104. Candace Says:

    Thank you Scott for this blog. I have been contacting members of Congress for over a week now demanding they find out what Obama was doing in the White House on 9/11/2012. THAT doesn’t require further investigation. Obama knows what he was doing and someone needs to ask him. I am going to do everything I can to keep this story in the news to honor those brave men that died on 9/11 because Obama failed to help them. I am disgusted at the site of seeing Obama on TV. If any of you wish to call the media to demand they tell the true story of Benghazi, these are the phone numbers I found on another blog:
    NBC – 212/664-3720
    ABC – 212/456-7777
    CBS – 212/975-3247
    CNN – 404/827-1500
    MSNBC Media Relations – 212/664-6605
    Also, I am wondering why CNN started reporting on this story, but once they found Ambassador Steven’s journal and the State Department condemned CNN for reporting the contents, CNN backed down from their reporting.

  105. Chad Says:

    Reblogged this on Pink Lloyd's Wall and commented:
    It’s criminal that the MSM doesn’t cover stories like these 2 heroes.

  106. Belasarius Says:

    Its too late to get this cat back in the bag whether its true or not. I heard Mike Huckabee say it on the air last night. It’s in Mark Steyn’s column and Glenn Reynolds has linked this piece and another one that links this piece. If they haven’t done it already Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh will probably mention it before the day is over. I’ve developed what I consider to be a healthy skepticism over these kind of stories. I got took big-time by a fake Medal of Honor one time. On a related note I heard both Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh report that the Ambassador has been sodomized. I don’t think we have any reason to believe that either. Since we don’t trust the MSM to report it if it did happen and can’t independently verify it ourselves we’ll have to wait for somebody to write the book.

  107. JW503 Says:

    It’s not like these ex-seals were there on vacation and were trying to radio the White House while in the midst of a fire fight. These two ex-seals came from a private contractor’s compound where their leaders repeatedly told them to stand down. Why? Can we get the name of the security contractor that employed these two badassmotherfuckers? Why did they not help out when they surely had the manpower and supplies to at least save lives, if not drive back the insurgents?

  108. Linda Threlkeld Says:

    I enjoyed this article on your blog. We get SO tired of being lied to by this administration. I have said over and over that if “his lips are moving he is lying” and I believe that to be true. God help us and only He can.

  109. TylerGS Says:

    Reblogged this on Tango Niner Two.

  110. KERRY Says:

    Thank you for the GREAT story.These men are very much HEROS.Remember Nov.6.NO-OBAMA

  111. Lightning Round – 2012/31/10 « Free Northerner Says:

    […] inspiring story from […]

  112. CIA operators were denied request for help 3 times DURING Benghazi attack - Page 38 Says:

    […] […]

  113. Presidential Depraved Indifference | askmarion Says:

    […] From Earn Your Trident Every Day: […]

  114. Remember the Alamo | Red Among Blue Says:

    […] So like the Alamo they fought and like the Alamo they died and also like the Alamo they took a lot of their enemies with them: […]

  115. Art Nickel Says:

    The only person more deadly than a US Navy SEAL is an armed and trained Mother whose child is threatened.

  116. cscasi Says:

    It is a shame that Dr. Root doesn’t know the difference between a consulate and an embassy. The embassy is in Tripoli! A man of his stature and education would most certainly ensure he had the facts correct before publishing them.

  117. cscasi Says:

    It is a shame that Dr. Roots doesn’t know the difference between a consulate and an embassy. The embassy is in Tripoli! A man of his stature and education would most certainly ensure he had the facts correct before publishing them.

  118. Did the Navy Seals who died in the Benghazi attack kill 60 jihadis? | Newslines Says:

    […] twitter posts referenced a blog post which […]

  119. Obama; Guilty. Clinton: Complicit. Murder? | Scanned Retina Blog Says:

    […] https://scottoncapecod.wordpress.com/2012/10/25/navy-seals-always/ […]

  120. Riley Says:

    I am in fact grateful to the owner of this web site who
    has shared this fantastic paragraph at at this place.

  121. BrockTownsend Says:

    Just posted this piece on the very subject.

    Not for Self but Country

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